তোমাকে দেখার অসুখ সাদাত হোসাইন Pdf Download
Tomake dekhar osukh PDF Download – তোমাকে দেখার অসুখ Pdf Download by সাদাত হোসাইন:-
.বইয়ের নাম: তোমাকে দেখার অসুখ
লেখক: সাদাত হোসাইন।
Publisher: অন্যধারা
ধরণ: বাংলা সাদাত হোসাইন কবিতা বই pdf
এই কবিতার বইটির উক্তিঃ
রাতের আকাশ জানে, একাকী সে তারা, আধারেই খসে পড়ে, খসুক,
নির্ঘুম রাত জানে, চোখের পাতায় জমে , তোমাকে দেখার অসুখ ।
সে এসে বসুক পাশে
যেভাবে অসুখ আসে
তারপর হয়ে যাক, যন্ত্রণা অনায়াসে ।
তবুও আসুক সে
জানুক, প্রিয়তম অসুখ সে!
যতদুর চোখ যায়, যতদূর যায় না,সবখানে অদ্ভুত, তুমিময় আয়না!
.Writter says:
A question from the reader i have heard limitless times. The question is, while does i write?
What a part of the day? Which a part of the night? I’ve found many solutions to this question. The answer i found became – I don’t clearly write at any time of the day or night time. I write particularly if you are very disenchanted or dissatisfied. This is, while events within the corners round me circulate and excite me violently. Given that I write a lot, what does it mean that my thoughts is always appropriate or terrible? And that is why I maintain writing? That’s genuine. As a human being i am extremely sensitive. As a end result, i was disturbed via many apparently trivial matters. Cannot forget about. Perhaps that’s why I need to specific those emotions all of the time.
These days, the welfare of cellular telephones has benefited. It could be written every now and then. That writing also can be published on the facebook page. The abnormal component is that lots of my writings are read with great interest via the readers. They acquire and preserve in their very own manner. Attempted to spread. But for some thing cause, the writings are not stored collectively everywhere. Scattered in specific names, distinctive identities. One day it passed off to me that the ones writings need to be preserved together.
That is the fourth compilation of my traces written on fb at specific times because of that choice. In some instances there has been little problem in masking the isolated strains. As a result, there can be repetition of multiple texts someplace. I am hoping it’ll make the reader sense suitable. Because I call those traces the story of words and silence written within the depths of feeling. Allow that tale touch the mind and the people.
তোমাকে দেখার অসুখ – প্রিয়তম অসুখ সে কবিতা শাহাদাত হোসেন পাঠ
তোমাকে দেখার অসুখ সাদাত হোসাইন pdf Download link –