Report বানিয়ে লেখার শর্টকাট টেকনিক(Hsc)
নিচের বাক্যগুলো শিখে শর্টকাটে report লেখা শিখুন:
…[Name of the programme]…was held(/organized/celebrated/come of on) ….[date]… at … [time]…in …[name of the place]… by our school(/college).
The school(/college) hall was richly decorated with flowers,small flags,festoons and banners.
The programme stared(/began) with prayer song sung by the studentss of class …[name of the class]…. .
…[Name of the chief guest]… was the chief guest of this programme(/function) the honourable…[position of the chief guest]…of our…[Name of the place]…and arrived in the programme in… [time]….
Some local guest and members of the school(/college) managing committe were also present there.
Our school(/college) headmaster(/principle) welcomed the chief guest.
The purpose of this programme/function was to [Topic]verb+Obj.
The students presents various(/colourful) programme like dance,song,drama recitation and etc.
The chief guest gave a very motivating speech of this occasion about the role of youth.
The students were given prizes.
There was a big crowd.
There was great enthusiasm among the students and they were looking highly spirited.
It was unforgettable programme.
It was unique experience to be there.
The students were served light refreshment.
Sweets and biscuits were given away to all.
The programme end up 4pm with the speech of the headmaster(/principle).
He thanked the chief guest.
…[Name of the chief guest]… and the students for making the programme grand success
Report Writing shortcut formul
ahsc report writing | report লেখার কৌশল
ahsc report writing | report লেখার কৌশল
Report writing shortcut formula note |
Report Writing shortcut formula
hsc report writing | report লেখার কৌশল
■ এই report টি পড়লে আপনি সকল প্রকার problem related report solve করতে পারবেন । যেমন :
Road accident, price hike. Fire accident in a garment factory. Drug addiction. Use of formalin. Corruption. Copying in exam. Deforestation. Load shedding. Traffic jam. Questions paper leakage. Violence against women or girls. Everlasting. Acid throw. Campus violence
■ Headline টি এভাবে লিখবেন
Terrible condition on (report name) in Bangladesh
Staff reporter/ correspondent
■ একটি report দুটি অংশে লিখতে হয়। প্রথম অংশে মূল theme এবং দ্বিতীয় অংশে বিস্তারিত আলোচনা ।
(Report name) has alarmingly increased and been a matter of serious concern in Bangladesh of its terrible effects on our national life. This perilous phenomenon and hampering our regular life
(Report name) is occurring is everywhere in the country. Experts says, ” it is almost certain that, one of the main causes of (report name ) is the negligence of some people. In addition, unawareness and ignorance of common people is another crucial reason for what we have to face this problem every year”
A police officer says, ” we are investigating to find out the culprits behind this recent crisis. We also need ordinary people’s help to solve this case,”
A minister of government says, ” we are trying to solve this problem as soon as possible, we will take proper action against the corrupted people and bring them under laws
-by Asraful Porag
port Writing shortcut formula || hsc report writing | report লেখার কৌশল
port Writing shortcut formula || hsc report writing | report লেখার কৌশল
may Allah reward you.