Anna karenina Leo Tolstoy Pdf eBook in English
Name Of The Book: Anna Karenina
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Genre: Classic/Drama/Romance
Characters: Vronsky, Anna Karenina, Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin.
Total Page count: 864
Rating: 4/5
Anna Karenina(Book Review:
Anna Karenina Summary:
Synopsis from Internet: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is a tragic novel that follows the rise and fall of the love affair between Anna Karenina and Count Vronsky. The main premise of the eight-part novel as portrayed by its main characters such as Dolly, Kitty and Stiva is the conflict between human desires and societal roles.
Personal Review: ‘Anna Karenina’ is a beautiful novel. This novel is soft, simple and it is a very social novel. The upper/higher middle society of Russia has been represented very beautifully. Though the novel is quite longer but it is elaborated rhythmically.
The main story of the novel not only focuses on Anna but also on some other characters like Levin and the household sides of Oblonsky. But obviously, Anna is the main character. From Anna’s point of view, the story shows that how human mind affects or works when one is in a miserable condition for a long period.
And it is mentioning that the character Levin is also represented with much emphasis. So if we see from Levin’s point of view, it is seen that He is very self-esteemed. He values his works so much and considers every little matter carefully. He always thinks and thinks. He confuses himself in every little matter. He is always in an excites mood to find out whether he is doing right or wrong. But his life goes on like that even smoothly which he doesn’t even know himself.
I love the romance between Kitty and Levin soo much. No matter how many times Levin tries to put Kitty out of his mind, he just can’t. He loves her terribly. Levin is one of the best kinds of lovers that I will always prefer. He loves as well as respects Kitty. Eventually Kitty also realizes her secret affection for Levin. I really adore the conversation that has been taken place between Levin & Kitty while playing this chalk writing game. Kitty said “If you could forget and forgive what happened. Levin replied” I have nothing to forget and forgive, I have never ceased to love you.” These two sentences have just melted me.
I also love the character of Alexey Alexandrovich Karenin. He appears so hard and emotionless. But in real he is not at all like that. He does have a soft corner in his heart. I really fancy that part where he really cares for little Annie and how unconditionally he forgives Anna.
The miserable condition of the ladies then are also shown in the novel. Often it is seen that the husband had lost interest in their wives after some years of marriage. Such is the case of Dolly.
The whole plot has been represented in a beautiful manner. It is seen that Anna’s life becomes duller from the beginning to the end and on the other hand Kitty’s life becomes happier. And behind this there is only the event of one ball.
Sometimes I kept thinking, why did the novel is named ‘Anna Karenina’? Here we can see another main character like Levin too. But I came to a conclusion that it was named so because the whole story had been created on the action of Anna’s one decision i,e to love Vronsky, avoiding all the odds. It is one of the greatest novel obviously.
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