The Life Divine Pdf (eBook)
Life divine book written by sri aurobindo pdf free ebook and review:.
Book: The Life Divine
Author: Sri Aurobindo
book Length: 1133 pages
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
The Life Divine book review / short summary:
When I first started reading the book I didn’t understand anything —- it’s a constant truth. There were two reasons for this. First of all, I didn’t read a book written in English that way; As a result, even though I had knowledge of the English language, I did not have enough English stock words to read The Life Divine, so it was difficult to understand. Secondly, I have never read a spiritual book like Upanishads in English before, so I could not understand the Upanishad interpretation of this book.
To solve the above problem, I started reading more political thoughts written in English than before. Along with this, I have read various spiritual books written in English language published by Ramakrishna Mission, or better yet, I have maintained the habit of reading such books regularly. Along with this, I have read Upanishads and their interpretations in English, Acharya Shankaracharya’s Upanishad commentary, etc., especially by reading the book The Message of BRIHADĀRANYAKA UPANISHAD written in English by Swami Ranganathananda. Above all, I am grateful to Mother Saraswati Devi that I have come across such a book and have been able to understand it at least a little bit by reading it.
Link: The Life Divine Pdf